Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Long day

It's almost time for bed Yay! I worked all day today. It was one of those super productive days where I got lots of "busy" work done that I have put off for weeks umm well maybe months and finally it's off my desk, which makes me so incrediably happy. So then my little man came to visit, Aunt Abby brought him over before the Thirty-One party. We had the party at 6 and it lasted a couple hours, the turn out was great and the food was yummy so I had a great time! Come home, put Rees to sleep and wind down from the off to bed. I am really hoping we can stay in our jammies all day tomorrow and not have to leave the house, then reality hits and I'm sure it just won't work out that way for us. Oh well, nighty night.


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