Friday, December 4, 2009

So overwhelmed today

Reason I want to go home and crawl into bed
1. I can't hardly see over my stack of To-do's on my desk
2. I can't seem to get caught up
3. When I get one thing done, two more come at me
4. Everyone seems to be having a "trying" day here today
5. I miss Rees
6. My mind is racing of things I needed to get done at home this week, but didn't.
7. Tomorrow is Mat and Abby's Birthday so I have some stuff that needs to be done for them too (not really a reason to get in bed, but still overwhelming my brain)
8. Christmas is stressing me now, the shopping part is getting hard now to finish everyone up.
9. I still haven't gotten my tree to my house yet!!!
10. I'm just needing a nap!

Okay now that the pitty party is over I guess I need to get back to work. Just wanted to vent for a minute!


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