Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 It all fell into place

You know when you want to take pictures of your children and your all hyped up about a great idea and a vision you have of what the pictures are going to look like then you get to your computer after a long stressful stint of positioning your kid/kids and trying to make your vision come to life then you open up your SD card only to find that it was an hour of your life that you can never get back LOL, all that stress and fighting with your kiddos for nothing not one useable pic in the whole bunch. I have that happen to me all too often. I swear that camera = go nuts to my little man. Tonight however was a different story I asked Rees if he would let me take some pictures of him playing and he said Yezzzz so I ran for my camera and low and behold they all turned out so cute. I even broke out my flash and played around. I ended up with some amazing catchlights with this flash in his bedroom. Here are just a couple that caught my eye. I am so tired I'm about ready to crash so I think I'll post more tomorrow.



Vicki said...

So cute and your catchlights are awesome! Did you use your speedlite?

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