Monday, March 1, 2010

Terrible two's... Really???

Could it be that my sweet little man is going to turn into a raging maniac that can cry one moment and be bossing me around the next? No, not my perfect little angel. HA! He will be 2 in a couple weeks, but just like everything else I think we're early on the terrible two's too. This last week has been trying to say the least. What is the best way to deal with this? He loves me...he doesn't want anything to do with me, he's kissing me...he's hitting me, I want momma... I want daddy I just can't believe how hard heading and opinionated my two year old is. Secretly I love the fact that there is no persuading him away from his original demand, but in the moment it sure is hard to try and reason with a toddler. I can see so much of me in him. I am such a hard head and a hot head that it's just tough for me to figure out how to handle it. He is really into movies right now so that is buying me an hour or two of down time during the day I might even get to cuddle every now and then, but otherwise we hard at it all day long. Puzzles are the "thing" right now. He is obsessed with them. We will do the same puzzle 10 times in  a row. I love watching the light bulb over his head when he gets all the pieces in the correct spots and then claps for himself. It doesn't get any better than that! Although I have enjoyed spending quality time with my baby boy I must say I can't wait for Spring so we can get out and about. It's too much work lugging a child around with winter clothing and then all the stuff you have to take and bundle him up then undress and do it all over again aghh I'm exhausted just talking about it! This weekend it's going to be in the 50's! I can't wait!

So here's a capture from this morning. He was so happy about a camera in his face first thing in the morning!


Latifa said...

nice capture...bribe him with it when he gets older

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