Thursday, March 25, 2010

Urgent Care trip #3

Third times a charm, well sort of. When your a mom you have these crazy powers (all the mom's know what I'm talking about) and mine kicked in. I just could not believe that a sinus infect/ear infection was the problem. Turns out my crazy powers where right. We made our third trip to UC on Wed to see our regular pediatrician and she immediately knew something was wrong. Rees was just sitting and crying. It is so sad. She sent us to X ray and turns out my poor little man has pneumonia. Can you believe that? Three trips to the dr to figure out what was really going on. The antibiotics they originally prescribed for him was not strong enough for pneumonia so it's a good thing we went back. She said if he wasn't better by in the morning she was going to admit him in the Holzer Hilton. We went back this morning and the shot he got last night seemed to help quite a bit so she didn't hospitalize him THANK GOODNESS. It's still just heart wrenching to watch him. Oh did I mention he has blisters in this throat too? Oh and a rash??? This poor kid has been through the ringer this week. So hopefully we are through the worst of it and things will get better.

I fell so behind. I can't get anything done in the house cause Rees has to be held 24/7 which I do enjoy because it never happens unless he's sick so I take full advantage of it when he is. I have only worked one day this week so I know my to do list is piling up :( and laundry, oh let's not even go there lol. Oh well, there's always next week.

Off to try to steal a few minutes of sleep while Rees is napping!


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