Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So last night we were up all night with Rees man vomiting and coughing his head off. I felt so sorry for him. This morning I didn't go to work because he just wanted his momma :) And when I called my mom to tell her Rees wasn't coming over to her house she said she had been up all night with the pukes too. So long story short I think Rees is okay,  he just has a terrible cough that after so long causes him to throw up. Today has been such a gorgeous weather day that we couldn't resist going out to get a little sunshine! It perked Rees right up (made me happy too). He fed the donkeys, then he watered them then they fell over from too much grain lol, not really but he made sure they had more than enough! Then we had to dig in the dirt and clean up some debris just anything that gave us more time outside. So it finally hit 1:30 and Rees looked as if he was going to fall over of exhaustion so I took him in for a nap and he's still asleep 3 hours later. This picture just made me happy for some unknown reason.


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