Sunday, November 8, 2009

"that kid"

Okay, so Sundays are the day I usually venture to Walmart for the weekly grocery thing. I always take Rees with me. Today went horribly wrong. I have no idea who the kid in my cart was, but I didn't recognize him! I was horrified, embarrassed and I was looking for a hole to crawl in. From the moment we walked in I knew something wasn't quite right, but we really needed the necessities this time so I hated to leave, I kept on truckin and boy did he make me regret that! You know that kid that you see out in public that your thinking "was doesn't his parent do something with him" or "oh my gosh I can't believe they take that kid in public" that was so us today! LOL, it went from bad to worse to unbelievable. He was screaming Hi to everyone that passed and normally that would be all cute and adorable but today it was in a vicious loud voice that really  was terrifying. Anything he could get his hands on was immediately thrown in the floor. He unloaded my cart several times. He opened a bag of fish crackers and dumped them. You name it he did it. This was really the first time that it was this bad and I was by myself. Next time I'm am leaving the cart and we are running for the car. I just can't figure out how you punish that behavior. I mean I don't want to be "that" mom that makes a huge scene but by the time we got to the car it had went on for an hour so what the heck am I supposed to say? Just so weird and I never want to experience it again, but I somehow doubt that I will be that lucky.  Mat is spending some man time with Rees so I am doing some "me" time and I really need to get back to that so enjoy what's left of the always fly's by.


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